“It’s such a good-looking gun and is equipped with all the features I want!” How many times have you heard yourself say this? The aesthetics of a gun is appealing, you have researched the gun on several websites, watched countless YouTube videos, talked with friends who own and love the gun, and you are absolutely positive that it is the gun for you. But is it?
It is easy to get drawn in and convince yourself that you will love a particular gun. Modern guns are built well and they all do what they were designed to do. The difference is how the gun feels in your hand — the grip, the controls, and most importantly, how it shoots.
After you have done your research, make a point to find a gun shop that has the gun you are considering available in their rental case to test fire. There is no substitute for firing the gun. Also take advantage of the pros at the gun shop for their feedback about the gun as they may have information you hadn’t considered. Save yourself some grief, show your gun shop a little love, and make sure your new gun is the next best thing to sliced bread with a little jam on top!
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